Background & Origins of EBIG Jewel

EBIG(乙丙坊) derives from the Chinese I Ching, representing the combination of Wood (Yi) and Fire (Bing). Yi Wood symbolizes resilient and upward-growing plants, while Bing Fire represents the vitalizing energy of the sun. Together, they create a harmonious and supportive relationship, providing a continuous life force.

In some situations, you may feel constrained and uneasy around certain individuals. However, nature’s elements like mountains, rivers, and celestial bodies captivate and enchant you. Did you sense the energetic exchange between beings?

You work diligently but achieve pale results, while others effortlessly achieve success. Despite deep love, unexplained obstacles hinder your union. Despite a disciplined routine and healthy diet, your body remains fragile, plagued by illness. Have you ever felt lost due to these circumstances?

 Due to a lost ID card, you missed a flight that later encountered a serious crash. You were separated from your loved one due to a job shift, but later you met your real soulmate in the new job. Have you ever felt guided by some unknown forces?


According to quantum mechanics, everything in the world is composed of vibrating energy. Human vibrational frequencies fluctuate within specific ranges, affecting our well-being and outlook. We continually interact with surrounding energies, attracting specific frequencies and experiencing resonance. These energetic influences, although imperceptible, profoundly shape our lives. According to the philosophy of causality, all things arise from connections and return to them. The ever-changing interplay of causes and conditions manifests through vibrational energy, forming an interconnected web that facilitates our interactions with the world and shapes our life experiences. EBIG primarily incorporates Eastern metaphysics and utilizes various energy systems as a comprehensive foundation to help us perceive the needs of our physical and spiritual aspects in our interactions with the world. It provides energetic support to align our requirements with the material world.

Basis Of Energy Studies


“Classics of Ancient China” is the cornerstone of Eastern divination, originating from the ancient Chinese ancestors’ understanding of the Yin-Yang changes in the heavens, earth, and humanity, and is the fundamental source of Chinese cultural development, exerting significant and far-reaching influence on various aspects such as economy and culture throughout Chinese history.


“The foundation of I Ching lies in the concepts of Yin-Yang, Five Elements, and the Eight Trigrams. The “Five Elements” refer to the fundamental material elements of the universe: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. The Eight Trigrams, an extension of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, categorize all things into eight trigrams: Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui. In Eastern medicine, the theory of Five Elements is employed to explain the internal dynamics of the human body and its relationship with the external environment, while the Eight Trigrams are commonly used in divination and Feng Shui.

EBIG infuses the energy of the Five Elements into accessories to adjust the wearer’s elemental energy. The consultation section further provides services such as fortune-telling based on the Eight Characters (BaZi) and divination based on the 64 hexagrams, helping individuals gain a better understanding of their own destiny and current circumstances through the ancient Chinese art of divination.


Astrology originated over 3,000 BC ago and has formed a comprehensive symbolic system that combines astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, physics, and mythology. This system reveals the fundamental principles of the universe and corresponds to all beings in the world through the relationship between the Earth and celestial bodies. Assuming the universe is a holistic system, consisting of interconnected fragments, their structures, patterns, and forces are closely related and resonate with the whole. Studying the cycles and patterns of planets based on this theory allows us to understand the life cycle within ourselves.

Zodiac signs, house positions, and planets are the main components of an astrological birth chart. Among them, planets are the most crucial and represent the soul of astrology, as all life changes arise from the interactions between planets. Modern astrology incorporates the ten major planets of the solar system. By understanding the characteristics, cycles, and mythological significance of these celestial bodies, we can grasp their influence in astrology.

EBIG integrates corresponding planetary energies into its product design, while advanced consultations delve into the interactions between the planetary placements, house positions, and aspects in our birth charts, providing insights into our unique lives and the current revelations presented by celestial events along our life journey.


Chakras, derived from the ancient Sanskrit word for “wheel,” are energetic centers formed by the gathering and spinning of life energy throughout the body.

In the spiritual system of yoga in India, there are seven swirling wheel-like energy centers in the human body. From bottom to top, they are the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra. From the base of the spine to the top of the head, and each is associated with specific colors, functions, and consciousness. Modern medicine has discovered that the locations of these seven chakras correspond to major nerve plexuses along the spinal column, which control our organs and emotions, serving as the key controls of our body.

In an ideal state, all chakras are balanced and positively influence our emotions and sensations. However, in reality, certain chakras may be underactive, hindering their function, while others may be overactive, necessitating appropriate adjustments.

EBIG combines the energies of the Five Elements and astrological planetary influences, integrating the energies of different chakras in the human body. Drawing on the wisdom of various human civilizations, EBIG empowers its accessories to provide assistance and guidance on both the physical and mental levels for every wearer.
