
Metal Element in Feng Shui

Metal Energy:

  • Enhances rational thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Increases insight into universal laws and orderliness.
  • Improves composure in complex situations and under pressure.
  • Symbolizes organizational skills and decisive action.
  • Associated with autumn, wealth in material and spiritual aspects.

Five Element Deficiency in Gold:

  • Related diseases: lungs, respiratory system, large intestine, teeth, bones, and skin.
  • Lack of courage, perseverance, and confidence.
  • Passive interpersonal relationships, and difficulty in teamwork.
  • Lack of awareness and investment vision for wealth accumulation.

Chakra - Crown Chakra

Represents enlightenment and transcending limitations. Absorbs information beyond reason and senses. Teaches surrender to the present moment, freeing from illusions. Realizes inherent beauty and emptiness in all things.

Astrology - Three Outer Planets

The collective subconscious energy beyond individual consciousness control, reforming and clearing the orders of the old world, accepting and integrating everything indiscriminately. It represents a significant transformation and ongoing evolution, breaking free from the cocoon of the ego to be reborn.

Metal Element Integration: White Nephrite (White Color)

Metal Energy + Crown Chakra + Three Outer Planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)

Have clear wisdom and awareness to discern endless information, clear away useless and negative information, and incorporate useful information into daily pursuits. It involves pursuing excellence, wealth, and success with determination and perseverance, while gaining an understanding of the laws governing all things in the process. It entails freeing oneself from the illusions of the ego, merging consciousness with the workings of the world, and experiencing a limitless state of consciousness.

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