
Feng Shui Water Element

Water Energy:

    • Symbolizes wisdom, inclusiveness, strength, and life.
    • Nurtures infinite wit and agility, guiding us to explore the profound wisdom in life.
    • Guides us to perceive the essence of things and see beyond the complexities and appearances.
    • Water possesses the ability to adapt to various complex and changing environments, with great power and adaptability. It helps us dissolve difficulties with flexibility in adversities.
    • Corresponds to the winter season, nurturing the inner power and nourishment of life.


Five Element Deficiency in Water:

  • Kidney dysfunction and urinary bladder system diseases.
  • Decreased metabolism, leading to mental fatigue and lack of concentration.
  • Inconstant temperament, acting in a fickle manner, and lacking long-term planning.
  • Slower thinking, lack of quick-wittedness, timid and conservative, lacking initiative and sense of responsibility.
  • Money easily flows away, making it difficult to attain long-term stable income.

Chakra - Root Chakra

Earth represents trust, grounding, and stability in energy transmission. It fulfills primal instincts and basic survival needs, providing life force and motivation to pursue goals. It embodies resilience, safety, and belonging, fostering a deep connection to our physical bodies and experiencing abundance.

Astrology - Pluto

Pluto represents potent energy in the underworld, involving life, death, and desires. It symbolizes the survival struggle, decay, and the cycle of rebirth and renewal.

Water Element Integration: Blue & White Seed Nephrite (Black Color)

Water Energy + Root Chakra + Pluto

To trust life, be rooted in the present, nourish inner strength, and embrace change. A strong desire for life brings enthusiasm, abundance, resilience, and growth through experience.

Chakra - Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra processes energy and enables its expression through sound and speech. It heightens our awareness of energetic vibrations, serves as a channel for sharing thoughts and feelings, and encourages barrier-free self-expression. It facilitates the release of inner truths in creative and diverse ways.

Astrology - Mercury

Controls the mind and information exchange, driven by curiosity and resilience to explore and learn. Expert at connecting diverse areas of life through piecing together information.

Water Element Integration: Qiemo Blue Nephrite (Blue Color)

Water Energy + Throat Chakra + Mercury

By mindfully embracing the present, we express our true selves and form positive connections
with the outside world through adaptive wisdom.

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